
10 steps to an artistic career

Embarking on an artistic career can be an exciting and fulfilling journey. Of course, every path is unique, but we have thought about the general steps that can help to lay the foundations for an artistic practice. We present them here (with the courage to fill in the blanks):

Art/Exhibition Image: © pexels.com / cottonbro-studio


Find the medium or discipline within the visual arts that appeals to you most. This could be painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking or any other art form. Try different approaches and discover what really excites you.


Identify your long-term artistic goals. Do you want to become a professional artist, exhibit your work or work in a specific artistic field? Setting clear goals will help you stay focused on the path.


Spend time developing your artistic skills. Attend art classes, workshops or seminars to acquire techniques and knowledge in your chosen medium. Practice regularly, experiment and challenge yourself to grow as an artist.


Build a portfolio of your best work. A portfolio is essential when applying to art schools, seeking opportunities or showing your talent to potential clients, galleries or employers. Put together a selection of your best work that demonstrates your skills and artistic vision.


Consider formal art training. Enrolling in an arts college or university programme can provide structured learning, access to resources and valuable feedback from experienced teachers. Also look for mentors who can guide and support you along the way.


Network with other artists, attend art exhibitions, workshops and conferences, and join local arts organisations or clubs. Getting involved in the arts community will allow you to make contacts, gain experience and learn from other artists.


Create a professional website or online portfolio to showcase your work. Use social media platforms to share your work, connect with other artists and art enthusiasts, and build a personal brand. Online platforms provide valuable exposure and networking opportunities.

Art/Exhibition Image: © pexels.com / pixabay


Actively seek opportunities to exhibit your work, enter art competitions, apply for grants, residencies and art fairs. Seek commissions, collaborations or commissioned work to showcase and build your portfolio.


Artistic development is a lifelong journey. Stay curious, explore different styles, experiment with new techniques and learn from other artists. Attend workshops, conferences and self-study to improve your skills and broaden your artistic perspective.


Building an artistic career takes time and perseverance. See challenges and setbacks as opportunities to grow. Stay committed, believe in your artistic vision and keep going, even in times of self-doubt.

Keep in mind that every artistic journey is unique and adapt these steps to your specific circumstances and goals. Stay true to your individual artistic voice, be willing to experiment and enjoy the process of artistic creation!

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